Why does the bathroom have a musty, damp, sour smell, and mildew? What are the causes?

First, due to not cleaning for a long time.

When the bathroom hasn't been cleaned for a long time, it accumulates grime, trash, soap scum, and other debris, leading to a sour, unpleasant smell. Additionally, neglecting regular cleaning can encourage bacteria growth, which is harmful to health.

Second, due to the user's lack of awareness.

Users with poor hygiene habits can cause unpleasant odors by splashing the toilet, walls, and floors during use, leaving behind a foul smell. Furthermore, improperly storing items like trash, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, hair, and empty packaging can result in lingering unpleasant odors.

Third, due to lack of lighting.

A bathroom without adequate lighting can also cause unpleasant smells. Over time, with poor lighting, the space can develop mold, cobwebs, and bacteria, creating an ideal breeding ground for harmful microorganisms.

Fourth, due to clogged drains and toilets.

A clogged toilet or drain can push foul odors from the pipes, creating an unpleasant smell that gradually affects the health of users.

So, how can we prevent bathroom odors and keep it fresh, clean, and bright?

First, plant greenery:

Second, use baking soda:

How to use baking soda:

Step 1: Take a jar and fill it with baking soda powder.

Step 2: If you have essential oils at home, mix them with the baking soda. When combined, these two ingredients create a natural remedy that helps eliminate unpleasant odors in the bathroom.

Step 3: Tighten the lid and punch a few small holes in the lid to let the mixture "breathe." At this point, the baking soda will absorb the odors, while the essential oils will fill your bathroom with a natural fragrance.

Third, use vinegar.

Fourth, use lemongrass.

Finally, use a cleaning detergent.